de Matthias Hensler's Homepage


It took a long time for me. I had too much other things to do, but finally I managed to create a new homepage for me. To make this page interesting, I payed much attention about the content, while the design is simple. I also deliberately used new technologies for this page, because I like to try new things and have much fun about it, I also want to keep track with the current development. However, users with older browsers should have no trouble with this page. Everything is written in XHTML 1.0 strict and validates with the standards of W3C, for the design I use CSS2. Textbrowsers and the older Netscape version 4 have no problem with that and render the page readable.
Enough about the technical details. I hope that I listed interesting things about me and wish much fun. Some pages will be updated regulary and I hope it will be worth coming here again from time to time.

Für die Deutsch sprechende Gemeinschaft: die Seite ist auch in Deutsch verfügbar, dazu einfach auf die deutsche Fahne am Anfang der Seite klicken.

Matthias Hensler, Summer 2002$1.3  [70622] © Matthias Hensler 2002-12, All Rights Reserved