Software Suspend Archive

Archived notes about deprecated downloads

Since the kernel packages need a lot of space and many of them are deprecated, I have to remove them from time to time.

This page exists to provide you with information about what features which kernel had and when it was published. Most of the newer packages (roughly around spring 2005) were archived privately, and can be provided if needed. If you need any of the listed packages here please drop me a mail and I will look if I can provide you with a copy from my archive (please list the release date together with the exact version string).

2014/10/283.16.6-203.fc20F20-Update3.16.63.3F2031502K/9199K/31645K/9222K/33162K/9263K79437KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/10/203.16.6-200.fc20F20-Update3.16.63.3F2031499K/9198K/31644K/9221K/33158K/9261K79410KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/10/133.16.5-200.fc20F20-Update3.16.53.3F2031496K/9197K/31641K/9220K/33156K/9261K79384KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/09/203.16.3-200.fc20F20-Update3.16.33.3F2031490K/9198K/31636K/9222K/33152K/9261K79276KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/08/183.15.10-200.fc20F20-Update3.15.103.3F2031126K/9092K/31281K/9116K/32828K/9158K78534KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/08/023.15.8-200.fc20F20-Update3.15.83.3F2031122K/9087K/31279K/9111K/32827K/9152K78507KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/07/213.15.6-200.fc20F20-Update3.15.63.3F2031122K/9086K/31274K/9110K/32825K/9151K78460KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/07/173.15.5-200.fc20F20-Update3.15.53.3F2031120K/9085K/31274K/9109K/32825K/9150K78445KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/07/113.15.4-200.fc20F20-Update3.15.43.3F2031120K/9085K/31272K/9108K/32820K/9150K78417KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/07/063.15.3-200.fc20F20-Update3.15.33.3F2031117K/9084K/31271K/9108K/32820K/9149K78400KRebase to 3.15.
2014/06/193.14.8-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.83.3F2030580K/8987K/30761K/9011K/32341K/9053K77298KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/06/153.14.7-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.73.3F2030578K/8987K/30760K/9011K/32340K/9053K77296KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/06/093.14.6-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.63.3F2030577K/8986K/30759K/9011K/32337K/9052K77269KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/05/193.14.4-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.43.3F2030570K/8983K/30753K/9009K/32330K/9050K77158KRecommended udate for Fedora 20.
2014/05/123.14.3-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.33.3F2030569K/8986K/30750K/9009K/32329K/9050K77135KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/04/073.13.9-200.fc20F20-Update3.13.93.3F2029942K/8826K/30112K/8851K/31664K/8892K76124KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/03/283.13.7-200.fc20F20-Update3.13.73.3F2029948K/8826K/30117K/8851K/31670K/8890K76110KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/03/113.13.6-200.fc20F20-Update3.13.63.3F2029945K/8824K/30115K/8850K/31668K/8890K76072KRecommended update for Fedora 20, fixing a TuxOnIce-bug which caused hibernate to fail in the last 3.13er kernels.
2014/03/073.13.5-202.fc20F20-Update3.13.53.3F2029943K/8824K/30112K/8849K/31666K/8889K76014KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/03/033.13.5-200.fc20F20-Update3.13.53.3F2029941K/8822K/30110K/8847K/31665K/8888K76006KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/02/263.13.4-200.fc20F20-Update3.13.43.3F2029942K/8821K/30109K/8847K/31664K/8887K75982KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/02/183.13.3-201.fc20F20-Update3.13.33.3F2029944K/8821K/30112K/8847K/31638K/8887K75972KRebase to 3.13
2014/02/113.12.10-300.fc20F20-Update3.12.103.3F2029554K/8733K/29721K/8756K/31096K/8790K75462KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/02/043.12.9-301.fc20F20-Update3.12.93.3F2029549K/8728K/29719K/8753K/31094K/8786K75424KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/01/203.12.8-300.fc20F20-Update3.12.83.3F2029550K/8729K/29718K/8752K/31092K/8785K75405KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/01/143.12.7-300.fc20F20-Update3.12.73.3F2029548K/8728K/29717K/8751K/31090K/8785K75387KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/01/063.12.6-300.fc20F20-Update3.12.63.3F2029548K/8727K/29671K/8744K/31039K/8778K75343KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2013/12/293.12.5-302.fc20F20-Update3.12.53.3F2029544K/8726K/29668K/8744K/31037K/8778K75321KRebase to 3.12
2013/11/253.11.9-200.fc19F19-Update3.11.93.3F1929005K/8616K/29142K/8635K/30500K/8669K73992KRecommended update for Fedora 19
2013/11/183.11.8-200.fc19F19-Update3.11.83.3F1929005K/8616K/29142K/8635K/30500K/8669K73976KRecommended update for Fedora 19
2013/11/083.11.7-200.fc19F19-Update3.11.73.3F1929012K/8615K/29148K/8637K/30497K/8668K73958KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/10/233.11.6-200.fc19F19-Update3.11.63.3F1929011K/8613K/29147K/8633K/30506K/8669K73923KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/10/143.11.4-201.fc19F19-Update3.11.43.3F1929007K/8613K/29145K/8632K/30503K/8666K73873KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/10/073.11.3-201.fc19F19-Update3.11.33.3F1929006K/8612K/29144K/8631K/30501K/8666K73853KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/10/013.11.2-201.fc19F19-Update3.11.23.3F1929003K/8613K/29142K/8631K/30499K/8665K73842KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/09/193.11.1-200.fc19F19-Update3.11.13.3F1929002K/8610K/29139K/8629K/30496K/8663K73791KRebase to 3.11, recommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/09/023.10.10-200.fc19F19-Update3.10.103.3F1928489K/8484K/28627K/8503K/29912K/8536K72128KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/08/233.10.9-200.fc19F19-Update3.10.93.3F1928485K/8480K/28624K/8501K/29912K/8532K72111KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/08/183.10.7-200.fc19F19-Update3.10.73.3F1928485K/8479K/28623K/8500K/29911K/8531K72098KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/08/163.10.6-200.fc19F19-Update3.10.63.3F1928485K/8479K/28623K/8500K/29909K/8531K72082KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/08/113.10.5-201.fc19F19-Update3.10.53.3F1928485K/8479K/28623K/8499K/29909K/8530K72050KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/08/023.10.4-300.fc19F19-Update3.10.43.3F1928474K/8480K/28617K/8500K/29902K/8532K72015KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/07/273.10.3-300.fc19F19-Update3.10.33.3F1928474K/8482K/28616K/8502K/29898K/8531K72024KRebase to 3.10, recommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/07/143.9.9-302.fc19F19-Update3.9.93.3F1927994K/8367K/28129K/8387K/29387K/8418K71169KRecommended update for Fedora 19, fixing a panic with vhost-net.
2013/07/133.9.9-201.fc18F18-Update3.9.93.3F1826757K/8366K/26901K/8383K/28105K/8411K71091KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/07/083.9.8-100.fc17F17-Update3.9.83.3F1727007K/8403K/27147K/8423K/28352K/8450K71086KRebase to 3.9 and recommended update for Fedora 17. Please notice that Fedora 17 will be EOL very soon, so it is recommended to update to a more recent version using FedUp.
2013/07/073.9.9-301.fc19F19-Update3.9.93.3F1927993K/8367K/28128K/8387K/29385K/8417K71161KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/07/023.9.8-300.fc19F19-Update3.9.83.3F1927992K/8366K/28126K/8386K/29472K/8404K71140KCurrent Basekernel for Fedora 19.
2013/06/203.9.6-200.fc18F18-Update3.9.63.3F1826736K/8361K/26880K/8381K/28081K/8410K70991KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/06/133.9.5-201.fc18F18-Update3.9.53.3F1826734K/8362K/26880K/8383K/28078K/8410K70972KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/05/293.8.13-100.fc17F17-Update3.8.133.3F1726397K/8257K/26543K/8280K70100KRebase to 3.8 on Fedora 17, recommended update. Unfortunately no 64-bit build are available, please check on ATrpms if you need them.
2013/05/293.9.4-300.fc19F19-Update3.9.43.3F1927975K/8364K/28108K/8383K/29453K/8400K70995KMost recent kernel from the Fedora 19 beta-release.
2013/05/273.9.4-200.fc18F18-Update3.9.43.3F1826731K/8361K/26874K/8378K/28071K/8406K70920KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/05/163.9.2-200.fc18F18-Update3.9.23.3F1826725K/8358K/26869K/8378K/28067K/8405K70885KRebase to 3.9, recommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/05/063.8.11-200.fc18F18-Update3.8.113.3F1826279K/8215K/26425K/8235K/27591K/8262K70015KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/04/293.8.9-200.fc18F18-Update3.8.93.3F1826277K/8211K/26424K/8231K/27592K/8261K70013KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/04/223.8.8-202.fc18F18-Update3.8.83.3F1826275K/8210K/26420K/8230K/27589K/8257K69995KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/03/243.8.4-202.fc18F18-Update3.8.43.3F1826245K/8205K/26392K/8225K/27411K/8250K69899KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/03/173.8.3-201.fc18F18-Update3.8.33.3F1826242K/8204K/26389K/8226K/27410K/8249K69886KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/02/223.7.9-201.fc18F18-Update3.7.93.3F1825700K/8062K/25851K/8081K/26831K/8103K68721KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/02/183.7.8-202.fc18F18-Update3.7.83.3F1825699K/8060K/25852K/8081K/26831K/8103K68724KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/02/053.7.6-201.fc18F18-Update3.7.63.3F1825696K/8058K/25848K/8080K/26828K/8102K68691KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/01/273.7.4-204.fc18F18-Update3.7.43.3F1825708K/8058K/25864K/8080K/26824K/8100K68645KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/01/233.7.4-203.fc18F18-Update3.7.43.3F1825707K/8058K/25864K/8080K/26823K/8100K68644KThis update is a bit ahead from upstream, but recommended. It should resolve some suspend failures that are present in current tree. PAE and 64-bit builds are available.
2013/01/183.6.11-1.fc16F16-Update3.6.113.3F1626951K/7846K/27086K/7868K67721KThis is the last update for Fedora 16, PAE-builds are avaiable, no 64-bit builds though.
2013/01/153.7.2-201.fc18F18-Update3.7.23.3F1825551K/8049K/25708K/8072K/26666K/8093K68563KRebase to 3.7, recommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/01/013.6.11-3.fc18F18-Base3.6.113.3F1825403K/7885K/25561K/7906K/26423K/7926K67901KCurrent kernel for F18 (Beta), PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/12/173.6.10-2.fc17F17-Update3.6.103.3F1725603K/7849K/25759K/7870K/26629K/7888K67764KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/12/033.6.8-2.fc17F17-Update3.6.83.3F1725600K/7845K/25759K/7866K/26625K/7885K67745KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/11/233.6.7-4.fc17F17-Update3.6.73.3F1725598K/7844K/25756K/7865K/26624K/7884K67722KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/11/113.6.6-1.fc17F17-Update3.6.63.3F1725595K/7843K/25752K/7864K/26620K/7882K67685KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/11/073.6.5-1.fc17F17-Update3.6.53.3F1725593K/7842K/25751K/7864K/26619K/7882K67676KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/10/293.6.3-1.fc17F17-Update3.6.33.3F1725593K/7843K/25749K/7863K/26618K/7881K67591KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/10/193.6.2-4.fc17F17-Update3.6.23.3F1725556K/7839K/25711K/7861K/26572K/7879K67554KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/10/183.6.1-1.fc17F17-Update3.6.13.3F1725555K/7842K/25711K/7861K/26571K/7880K67551KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/10/083.5.6-1.fc17F17-Update3.5.63.3F1724978K/7732K/25127K/7755K/26162K/7770K66645KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/09/233.5.4-1.fc17F17-Update3.5.43.3F1724970K/7730K/25122K/7752K/26159K/7768K66565KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/08/253.5.2-3.fc17F17-Update3.5.23.3F1724967K/7729K/25121K/7751K/26154K/7768K66523KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/08/183.5.2-1.fc17F17-Update3.5.23.3F1724967K/7726K/25120K/7748K/26153K/7764K66529KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/08/123.5.1-1.fc17F17-Update3.5.13.3F1724963K/7725K/25117K/7747K/26150K/7763K66504KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/08/043.5.0-2.fc17F17-Update3.5.03.3F1724940K/7725K/25091K/7746K/26128K/7763K66492KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/07/223.4.6-2.fc17F17-Update3.4.63.3F1724655K/7604K/24806K/7627K/25831K/7642K65889KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/07/203.4.5-2.fc17F17-Update3.4.53.3F1724656K/7787K65883KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/07/083.4.4-5.fc17F17-Update3.4.43.3F1724654K/7788K65859KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/07/013.4.4-3.fc17F17-Update3. update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/06/213.4.3-1.fc17F17-Update3. update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/06/183.4.2-4.fc17F17-Update3. update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/06/093.4.0-1.fc17F17-Update3. update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/05/283.3.7-1.fc17F17-Update3. kernel for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/05/273.3.7-1.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/05/223.3.6-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/05/133.3.5-2.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/05/073.3.4-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/04/253.3.2-6.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/04/173.3.2-1.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/04/083.3.1-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/04/023.3.0-8.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/03/223.3.0-4.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/03/183.2.10-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/03/123.2.9-2.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/03/073.2.9-1.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/02/233.2.7-1.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/02/163.2.6-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/02/113.2.5-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/02/063.2.3-2.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/01/293.2.2-1.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/01/253.2.1-3.fc16F16-Update3. update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/01/243.1.9-1.fc16F16-Update3.1.93.2F1626190K/7271K80627KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/12/273.1.6-1.fc16F16-Update3.1.63.2F1626450K/7268K80573KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/12/203.1.5-6.fc16F16-Update3.1.53.2F1626243K/7319K80545KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/12/ update for F15, PAE builds are available.
2011/12/063.1.4-1.fc16F16-Update3.1.43.2F1623601K/7345K80479KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/11/253.1.2-1.fc16F16-Update3.1.23.2F1623639K/7346K80464KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/11/193.1.1-2.fc16F16-Update3.1.13.2F1623634K/7343K76443KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/11/143.1.1-1.fc16F16-Update3.1.13.2F1623596K/7343K76439KRecommended update for F16, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/10/ update for F15, PAE and 64-bit builds are available.
2011/09/ update for F15, PAE and 64-bit builds are available.
2011/08/ update for F15, PAE and 64-bit builds are available.
2011/08/022.6.40-4.fc15F15-Update3.03.2F1523762K/7235K83076KRecommended update for F15, PAE and 64-bit builds are available. Despite the package version this is really Linux 3.0. The i686-packages were updated on august 5th due to buildsystem issues.
2011/08/022.6.40-4.fc15F15-Update3.03.2F1523075K/7209K83077KRecommended update for F15, PAE and 64-bit builds are available. Despite the package version this is really Linux 3.0. The i686-packages were updated on august 5th due to buildsystem issues.
2011/07/ update for F15, PAE builds are available. Since I got a new notebook there are also x86_64 builds available now. Also this new release includes the tp_smapi driver for Thinkpad models.
2011/06/ update for F15, PAE builds are available.
2011/06/ update for F15, PAE builds are available.
2011/06/ update for F15, PAE builds are available.
2011/05/ kernel for F15, PAE builds are available.
2011/04/ update for F14 users, PAE builds are available.
2011/02/ update for F14 users, PAE builds are available.
2011/01/ update for F14 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/12/ update for F14 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/09/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/09/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/09/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/09/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/08/312.6.33.8-149.fc13F13-Update2. update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/08/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/08/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/07/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/06/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/06/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/06/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/05/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/05/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/04/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/04/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/03/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/03/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/02/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/02/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/02/ update for F11 users.
2010/01/ update for F12 users, sorry for the delay.
2009/12/ update for F12 users.
2009/12/ update for F12 users. The new dracut-tuxonice package is needed as well.
2009/12/ update for F12 users.
2009/11/ update for F11 users.
2009/10/ update for F11 users.
2009/09/302.6.30.8-64.fc11F11-Update2. update for F11 users.
2009/09/ update for F11 users.
2009/08/ update for F11 users.
2009/08/ update for F11 users.
2009/08/ update for F11 users.
2009/08/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/08/ update for F11 users.
2009/07/ update for F11 users.
2009/06/302.6.27.25-170.2.72.fc10F10-Update2. update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/06/ update for F11 users.
2009/05/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/04/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/03/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/03/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/02/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/02/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/01/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/01/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/12/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/12/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well). Also available is a new mkinitrd version with a bugfix.
2008/12/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/12/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/11/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/10/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/10/ update for F8 users.
2008/10/ update for F9 users.
2008/09/ update for F8 users.
2008/09/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/08/ update for F8 users.
2008/08/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/07/ update for F8 users.
2008/07/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/07/ update for F8 users.
2008/07/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/07/ update for F8 users.
2008/07/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/07/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/06/ update for F8 users.
2008/06/ update for F9 users.
2008/06/ update for F8 users.
2008/06/ update for F9 users.
2008/05/ update for F8 users.
2008/05/ update for F9 users.
2008/05/ update for F8 users.
2008/04/ update for F8 users.
2008/03/312.6.18-53.1.14.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2008/03/ update for F8 users.
2008/03/ update for F8 users.
2008/03/ update for F8 users, slightly newer than the released update kernel, but well more tested.
2008/02/ update for F7 users.
2008/02/ update for F8 users.
2008/02/ update for F8 users.
2008/01/ update for F8 users.
2008/01/ update for F7 users.
2007/12/ update for F8 users.
2007/12/ update for F7 users.
2007/12/ update for F8 users.
2007/11/ update for F8 users.
2007/11/ update for F7 users.
2007/10/302.6.23.1-10.fc7F7-Update2. update for F7 users.
2007/10/ update for FC6 users.
2007/10/ forgotten kernel, if needed by someone.
2007/09/302.6.22.7-57.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/09/ update for F7 users.
2007/09/ update for F7 users.
2007/09/ update for F7 users.
2007/09/ update for FC6 users.
2007/08/ update for F7 users. This upgrade will migrate to TuxOnIce. Using yum will take care of everything. If you are using the filewriter you might need to recreate your hibernatefile.
2007/08/ update for FC6 users.
2007/08/ update for F7 users.
2007/07/ update for F7 users.
2007/07/ update for F7 users. An mkinitrd-suspend2 is Update is needed too.
2007/07/112.6.22-2.fc7F7-Development2. bleeding edge stuff.
2007/07/112.6.22-2.fc7F7-Development2. bleeding edge stuff.
2007/07/112.6.21-1.3255.fc7F7-Test2. of bugfixes. Needs an mkinitrd-suspend2 update.
2007/07/072.6.21-1.3255.fc7F7-Test2. of bugfixes. Needs an mkinitrd-suspend2 update.
2007/06/272.6.21-1.3232.fc7F7-Test2. is a bugfix release adding largefile support for the filewriter and fixes USB on resume.
2007/06/272.6.20-1.2962.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/06/142.6.21-1.3228.fc7F7-Update2. update for F7 users.
2007/06/142.6.18-8.1.6.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2007/06/122.6.21-1.3224.fc7F7-Testing2.6.21.5rc22.2.10.1F716422K/4972K46081KIncludes some fixes if you have trouble with the original Basekernel.
2007/06/122.6.21-1.3224.fc7F7-Testing2.6.21.5rc22.2.10.1F716422K/4973K46082KIncludes some fixes if you have trouble with the original Basekernel.
2007/06/012.6.20-1.2952.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/05/282.6.18-8.1.4.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2007/05/202.6.20-1.2316.fc5FC5-Update2. update for FC5 users.
2007/05/022.6.20-1.2948.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/05/022.6.18-8.1.3.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2007/04/222.6.18-8.1.1.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2007/04/142.6.20-1.2312.fc5FC5-Update2. update for FC5 users.
2007/04/142.6.20-1.2944.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/03/252.6.20-1.2307.fc5FC5-Update2.6.20.4-pre2.2.9.10FC515932K/4959K46049KRecommended update for FC5 users.
2007/03/252.6.20-1.2933.fc6FC6-Update2.6.20.4-pre2.2.9.10FC616421K/5134K46463KRecommended update for FC6 users.
2007/03/212.6.20-1.2925.fc6FC6-Update2.6.20.3-rc12.2.9.9FC616419K/5006K45140KDue to popular demand the stacktrace output was disabled. Furthermore a experimental driver for the Ricoh Bay1Controller was added.
2007/03/192.6.20-1.2300.fc5FC5-Update2.6.20.3-rc12.2.9.9FC515928K/4834K44720KUpdating to new versions, should be stable but needs newer UserUI (which might break older kernels).
2007/03/152.6.20-1.2925.fc6FC6-Update2.6.20.3-rc12.2.9.9FC616414K/5007K45135KUpdating to new versions, should be stable but needs newer UserUI (which might break older kernels).
2007/03/082.6.19-1.2288.2.4.fc5FC5-Update2. update for FC5 users.
2007/03/072.6.19-1.2911.6.5.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/03/032.6.19-1.2288.2.1.fc5FC5-Update2.6.19.5-rc12.2.9.3FC516382K/4785K45473KRecommended update for FC5 users.
2007/03/032.6.19-1.2911.6.4.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/02/152.6.19-1.2288.fc5FC5-Update2. update for FC5 users.
2007/02/152.6.19-1.2911.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/01/192.6.19-1.2895.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2007/01/042.6.18-1.2869.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users.
2006/12/212.6.18-1.2257.fc5FC5-Update2.6.18.6rc22.2.9FC515684K/4769K44825KRecommended update for FC5 users.
2006/12/192.6.18-1.2868.fc6FC6-Update2.6.18.6rc22.2.9FC616367K/4949K45851KRecommended update for FC6 users.
2006/11/132.6.18-1.2849.fc6FC6-Update2. update for FC6 users. Please update hibernate-suspend2 too.
2006/11/112.6.18-1.2239.fc5FC5-Update2. update for FC5 users. Please update hibernate-suspend2 too.
2006/10/172.6.18-1.2200.fc5FC5-Update2. upgrade of Kernel and Suspend 2 version, update is recommended.
2006/10/142.6.18-1.2189_FC5FC5-Test2. of updates and bugfixes in this testing kernel.
2006/09/182.6.17-1.2187_FC5FC5-Update2. update kernel with new Suspend 2 version and new build flags.
2006/08/112.6.17-1.2174_FC5FC5-Update2. to new Suspend 2 version with sysfs-Interface. Please also update hibernate-suspend2 to 1.93, mkinitrd-suspend2 to 5.0.32-3 and pm-utils to 0.15-1.5.
2006/08/102.6.17-1.2171_FC5FC5-Testing2.6.17.8rc12.2.7.4FC515257K/4730K43187KUpdating to new Suspend 2 version with sysfs-Interface. Please also update hibernate-suspend2 to 1.93, mkinitrd-suspend2 to 5.0.32-3 and pm-utils to 0.15-1.5.
2006/08/102.6.17-1.2171_FC5FC5-Testing2.6.17.8rc12.2.7.4FC515257K/4731K43188KUpdating to new Suspend 2 version with sysfs-Interface. Please also update hibernate-suspend2 to 1.93, mkinitrd-suspend2 to 5.0.32-3 and pm-utils to 0.15-1.5.
2006/07/242.6.17-1.2159_FC5FC5-Testing2. to new Suspend 2 version with sysfs-Interface. Please also update hibernate-suspend2 to 1.93 and mkinitrd-suspend2 to 5.0.32-3 (and pm-utils to 0.15-1.5).
2006/07/242.6.17-1.2159_FC5FC5-Testing2. to new Suspend 2 version with sysfs-Interface. Please also update hibernate-suspend2 to 1.93 and mkinitrd-suspend2 to 5.0.32-3 (and pm-utils to 0.15-1.5).
2006/07/062.6.17-1.2141_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/07/052.6.17-1.2145_FC5FC5-Update2. a lot of bugs with the current update kernel.
2006/06/262.6.17-1.2139_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/06/252.6.17-1.2139_FC5FC5-Update2. update for FC5. Includes newest software suspend and DSTS-initrd patches. Because of current problems exec-shield is temporarily disabled.
2006/06/122.6.16-1.2115_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/06/122.6.16-1.2133_FC5FC5-Update2. update for FC5.
2006/05/222.6.16-1.2111_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/05/222.6.16-1.2122_FC5FC5-Update2. update for FC5.
2006/05/062.6.16-1.2108_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/05/052.6.16-1.2111_FC5FC5-Update2. update for FC5, fixing the problems with the last kernel.
2006/05/032.6.16-1.2107_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/05/032.6.16-1.2107_FC5FC5-Update2. update for FC5. Warning: some Fedora users did encounter problems with the new kernel, maybe you should delay an update at the moment.
2006/05/022.6.16-1.2106_FC5FC5-Test2. updates.
2006/04/262.6.16-1.2101_FC5FC5-Test2. small updates.
2006/04/222.6.16-1.2147_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.17-rc2-git32.2.5FC515486K/4872K53604KExperimental build against rawhide including all latest bleeding edge stuff.
2006/04/212.6.16-1.2096_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. Includes the same feature as the FC5 kernel (support for NVidia) and is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/04/202.6.16-1.2096_FC5FC5-Update2. build with bleeding edge software suspend.
2006/04/132.6.16-1.2131_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.17-rc1-git42.2.4.1FC515402K/4885K47715KExperimental build against rawhide including all latest bleeding edge stuff.
2006/04/022.6.16-1.2084_FC5FC5-Test2. small fixes in the current djones testing kernel.
2006/04/012.6.16-1.2083_FC5FC5-Test2. April fool, this kernel should be stable and working well.
2006/03/302.6.16-1.2069_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4.
2006/03/292.6.16-1.2080_FC5FC5-Test2. build against latest Software Suspend release.
2006/03/282.6.16-1.2078_FC5FC5-Test2.6.16.1pre2.2.2FC513787K/4835K42790KExperimental build against latest Software Suspend release.
2006/03/252.6.16-1.2088_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.16-git62.2.1.2FC513769K/4876K44848KExperimental build against todays rawhide release.
2006/03/252.6.16-1.2074_FC5FC5-Test2. build against latest Software Suspend release.
2006/03/222.6.16-1.2069_FC5FC5-Test2. small bugfixes.
2006/03/212.6.16-1.2066_FC4FC4-Test2. to 2.6.16.
2006/03/212.6.16-1.2064_FC5FC5-Test2. to 2.6.16.
2006/03/182.6.15-1.2059_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.16-rc6-git82.2.1FC513768K/4834K46892KSome small updates to the base kernel.
2006/02/082.6.15-1.1831_FC4FC4-Update2. new update kernel includes an important security fix, so updating is recommended. Furthermore this kernel introduces the possibility to specify a custom DSDT.
2006/02/032.6.15-1.1830_FC4FC4-Update2. newest update kernel, recommended for every FC4 user.
2006/02/012.6.15-1.1829_FC4FC4-Test2. to recent versions, very stable and recommended.
2006/01/272.6.15-1.1828_FC4FC4-Test2. rebuild of the latest testing kernel with most recent software suspend version.
2006/01/262.6.15-1.1825_FC4FC4-Test2. to latest versions, very stable and recommended for every FC4 user.
2006/01/132.6.15-1.1824_FC4FC4-Test2.6.152.2-rc17preFC415060K/4701K40391KRecent kernel with all current software suspend patches and new ipw2200 driver.
2006/01/072.6.15-1.1823_FC4FC4-Test2.6.152.2-rc15FC415044K/4676K40338KSmall bugfixes, should be pretty stable.
2006/01/072.6.14-1.1656_FC4FC4-Update2. kernel from Fedora. Updating is recommended.
2006/01/032.6.15-1.1781_FC4FC4-Test2.6.152.2-rc15FC415052K/4596K40460KFirst build of the finally released 2.6.15 kernel.
2006/01/022.6.14-1.1781_FC4FC4-Test2.6.15-rc7-git62.2-rc15FC415051K/4597K45931KHappy new year and a new testing release.
2006/01/022.6.14-1.1654_FC4FC4-Test2. bugfixes to the current kernel from Fedora updates.
2005/12/302.6.14-1.1778_FC4FC4-Test2.6.15-rc7-git32.2-rc15FC415055K/4595K45927KBuild for the new testing kernel.
2005/12/292.6.14-1.1776_FC4FC4-Test2.6.15-rc6-git42.2-rc15FC415052K/4598K45925KAdding some small bugfixes. This kernel is pretty stable and recommended if you have problems with the FC4-Update kernel.
2005/12/232.6.14-1.1775_FC4FC4-Test2.6.15-rc6-git32.2-rc15pre5FC415059K/4596K45920KPreparing for the new stable release of software suspend, this kernel includes all recent bugfixes.
2005/12/202.6.14-1.1771_FC4FC4-Test2.6.15-rc62.2-rc15pre2FC415069K/4597K46027KMore bleeding edge stuff. The kernel will cry a lot on resume, according to Nigel it should be harmless. Expect a fixed kernel tomorrow :-)
2005/12/172.6.14-1.1768_FC4FC4-Test2.6.15-rc5-git62.2-rc15preFC415074K/4594K45839KSome bleeding edge for testing with latest kernel and software suspend patches.
2005/12/142.6.14-1.1653_FC4FC4-Update2.6.14.4pre2.2-rc15preFC414667K/4459K39750KNewest kernel from Fedora, adding lots of bugfixes and stability patches. Updating to this is strongly recommended.
2005/12/132.6.14-1.1651_FC4FC4-Test2. a new kernel from testing, including an experimental SATA patch.
2005/12/112.6.14-1.1650_FC4FC4-Test2. latest patches to the recent testing kernel.
2005/12/052.6.14-1.1644_FC4FC4-Update2. lots of recent fixes and patches. Use this new build if you had any trouble.
2005/12/022.6.14-1.1647_FC4FC4-Test2. adds some bugfixes to the recent kernel from Fedora update.
2005/11/302.6.14-1.1644_FC4FC4-Update2. kernel from Updates with recent software suspend.
2005/11/262.6.14-1.1643_FC4FC4-Test2. kernel from testing with recent software suspend patches.
2005/11/252.6.14-1.1709_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.15-rc2-git32.2-rc13FC514203K/4585K45618KFor the brave souls some bleeding edge stuff including the recent rawhide kernel together with newest software suspend.
2005/11/242.6.14-1.1642_FC4FC4-Test2. testing kernel with newest software suspend and some stability fixes.
2005/11/222.6.14-1.1640_FC4FC4-Test2. testing kernel with newest software suspend.
2005/11/132.6.14-1.1639_FC4FC4-Test2. more bugfixes.
2005/11/112.6.14-1.1638_FC4FC4-Test2. testing kernel with little bugfixes.
2005/11/102.6.14-1.1637_FC4FC4-Update2.6.14.2pre2.2-rc9FC414698K/4453K39647KThe newest kernel from Fedora-Updates rebases to 2.6.14. Includes recent software suspend where the location of the /proc-entry changed, so use swsusp2-mkinitrd 4.2.15 or a version >=5.0.4 (do not use 4.2.21 or 4.2.22).
2005/11/072.6.14-1.1636_FC4FC4-Test2.6.142.2-rc9FC414674K/4413K39637K2.6.14 with recent software suspend. The location of the /proc-entry changed, so use swsusp2-mkinitrd 4.2.15 or a version >=5.0.4 (do not use 4.2.21 or 4.2.22).
2005/10/302.6.12-1.1381_FC3FC3-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC318547K37866KNewest update kernel for the Core 3 users, with security bugfixes.
2005/10/212.6.12-1.1380_FC3FC3-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC318549K37867KNewest update kernel for the Core 3 users, with security bugfixes.
2005/10/212.6.13-1.1532_FC4FC4-Update2. kernel from Fedora update, with security bugfixes. This one is pretty stable and every FC4 user should use this release. User-UI is no longer optional, you will need version 0.6.1.
2005/10/172.6.13-1.1531_FC4FC4-Test2. new bugfixes and cleanups, preparing for merging with ATrpms. This kernel can compiled for i586, i686, i686-smp, Xen and X86_64 (AMD64). An option for 8K stacks is available as compileswitch.
2005/10/122.6.13-1.1529_FC4FC4-Test2. bugfixes to the recent update kernel.
2005/10/042.6.13-1.1528_FC4FC4-Test2. bugfixes to the recent update kernel. Includes an update to ACPI 20050902.
2005/10/032.6.13-1.1527_FC4FC4-Test2. bugfixes to the recent update kernel. Includes an update to ACPI 20050902.
2005/10/032.6.13-1.1589_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.14-rc3-git12.2-rc8FC514666K/4441K42805KThis recent development kernel includes the new software suspend version. Since the /proc-entry has changed you need to install swsusp2-mkinitrd 5.0.3 before installing this kernel.
2005/09/292.6.13-1.1526_FC4FC4-Update2. kernel from Fedora update, rebasing to 2.6.13 finally. This one is pretty stable and every FC4 user should use this release. User-UI is no longer optional, you will need version 0.6.1.
2005/09/252.6.13-1.1525_FC4FC4-Test2. made it into testing. This build includes the recent testing kernel with current software suspend. ibm_acpi was updated from 0.08 to 0.11 on request, please report any problems. You need to install User-UI 0.6.1.
2005/09/252.6.13-1.1524_FC4FC4-Test2. made it into testing. This build includes the recent testing kernel with current software suspend. ibm_acpi was updated from 0.08 to 0.11 on request, please report any problems.
2005/09/252.6.13-1.1576_FC5FC5-Devel2.6.14-rc2-git42.2-rc7FC514621K/4439K42698KRecent kernel from development. Marking this as FC5 since it requires a lot of recent packages from Rawhide.
2005/09/232.6.12-1.1378_FC3FC3-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC318546K37860KNewest update kernel for the Core 3 users, with security bugfixes.
2005/09/232.6.12-1.1456_FC4FC4-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC414725K/4061K38606KNewest kernel from Fedora update, includes some security fixes.
2005/09/182.6.13-1.1558_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.14-rc1-git32.2-rc7FC414494K/4219K42498KLatest kernel with latest Software Suspend.
2005/08/292.6.12-1.1376_FC3FC3-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC318544K37844KNewest update kernel for the Core 3 users, with security bugfixes.
2005/08/292.6.12-1.1447_FC4FC4-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC414727K/4058K38579KNewest kernel from Fedora update, includes some security fixes. However, if you encounter problems you might want to stick with 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4 (or one of the development kernels), until I can release some updates.
2005/08/252.6.12-1.1505_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.13-rc6-git132.2-rc2FC415918K/4144K43049KThis one includes an update to a release candidate of the upcoming new stable release of software suspend.
2005/08/222.6.12-1.1504_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.13-rc6-git122.1.9.14FC415920K/4144K43048KThis new development kernel fixes a problem with the module support and includes the new software suspend release.
2005/08/172.6.12-1.1487_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.13-rc6-git72.1.9.12FC415863K/4141K43098KAgain a recent development kernel. You can ignore the mkinitrd dependency, or get a recent build from Fedora development and use it with the recent swsusp2-mkinitrd package.
2005/08/042.6.12-1.1446_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.13-rc52.1.9.12FC415017K/4141K43028KSome more bleeding edge stuff, with a fix for some filesystem corruption. You need at least User-UI 0.5.3.
2005/07/302.6.12-1.1441_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.13-rc3-git92.1.9.11FC415008K/4140K42928KSome bleeding edge stuff. You need at least User-UI 0.5.3.
2005/07/162.6.12-1.1372_FC3FC3-Update2.6.12.3pre2.1.9.9FC314598K/3960K37646KNewest update kernel for the Core 3 users. If not already done, please update all your userland tools.
2005/07/162.6.12-1.1398_FC4FC4-Update2.6.12.3pre2.1.9.9FC414647K/4049K38256KNewest kernel from Fedora update. This one should be very stable and used by every FC4 user. If not already done, please update all your userland tools.
2005/07/082.6.12-1.1390_FC4FC4-Update2. FC4-Update kernel. Please update your hibernate RPM as well.
2005/07/022.6.12-1.1387_FC4FC4-Update2. FC4-Update kernel. Please update your hibernate RPM as well.
2005/06/242.6.12-1.1395_FC4FC4-Devel2.6.12-git42.1.9.5FC414750K/4075K39174KBleeding edge kernel for testing purposes. Use a hibernate version >=1.09.
2005/06/152.6.11-1.35_FC3FC3-Update2. update kernel for the Core 3 users.
2005/06/062.6.11-1.1369_FC4FC3-Devel2.6.12-rc52.1.9.1FC314553K/3962K42197KPreparing for Fedora Core 4 this bleeding edge kernel includes newest software suspend and the APCI patches from 2005/04/08. It was tested for FC3 (and compiled with GCC 3.3).
2005/05/212.6.11-1.27_FC3FC3-Update2. new kernel fixes some security issues and includes recent software suspend with fbsplash patch.
2005/05/052.6.11-1.20_FC3FC3-Test2. new kernel adds recent software suspend with fbsplash patch and support for the framebuffer userui on suspend/resume.
2005/04/132.6.11-1.14_FC3FC3-Update2. FC3-Update kernel with recent software suspend.
2005/04/032.6.11-1.1225_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.12-rc1-bk22.1.8.5FC314399K/3941K39971KLatest bleeding edge including ACPI from 2005/03/09. This fixes high memory usage. OK, looks like there is a bug with the swapwriter, I will provide a fixed version soon.
2005/03/272.6.11-1.7_FC3FC3-Test2. includes the newest kernel, software suspend and additionally the ACPI patches from 2005/03/09.
2005/03/032.6.10-1.770_FC3FC3-Update2.6.10-ac122.1.7FC316874K37179KNewest released FC3 kernel with Suspend 2.1.7. Really stable and reliable. Not a single failure or problem here.
2005/02/122.6.10-1.766_FC3FC3-Test2.6.10-ac122.1.5.15FC316872K37168Kthese 2.6.10-ac kernels work very stable and reliable for me
2005/02/092.6.10-1.762_FC3FC3-Test2.6.10-ac122.1.5.15FC316872K37168Kas stable as the previous 2.6.10-ac kernels
2005/02/052.6.10-1.1124_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.11-rc32.1.6FC312842K/4021K40957KConsumes more memory than usual, maybe a bug in VM
2005/02/032.6.10-1.760_FC3FC3-Update2.6.10-ac112.1.5.15FC316873K37126KNewest released FC3 kernel, should work as stable as 2.6.10-1.753_FC3
2005/01/302.6.10-1.753_FC3FC3-Test2.6.10-ac102.1.5.15FC316802K37046KPerfectly stable, had a lot of suspend/resume cycles without any problems or crashing
2005/01/282.6.10-1.1115_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.11-rc2-bk42.1.5.15FC312823K/4013K40540KBug in VM, do not use
2005/01/242.6.10-1.1107_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.11-rc22.1.5.15FC312758K/4014K40359Klots of BUG hits in kernellog
2005/01/152.6.10-1.1088_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.11-rc1-bk12.1.5.14FC316645K39723KStable and reliable. Worked for a long time, although had some random freezes lately
2005/01/132.6.10-1.1087_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.11-rc12.1.5.13FC316637K39589KMostly working
2005/01/042.6.9-1.724_FC3FC3-Update2.6.9-ac112.1.5.7FC316211K38348KProvided as update, not tested
2005/01/042.6.10-1.1063_FC3FC3-Devel2.6.10-bk52.1.5.10FC316521K37985KMostly working
2004/12/282.6.9-1.715_FC3FC3-Test2.6.9-ac112.1.5.7FC316292K38400KDid not work for me
2004/12/062.6.9-1.681_FC3FC3-Update2.6.9-ac102.1.5FC316049K37180KResumefailure due to 4KSTACKS. Includes IPW2200 0.15$1.22  [17212] © Matthias Hensler 2002-12, All Rights Reserved