Software Suspend Downloads

Download Fedora/RHEL kernels with enabled Software Suspend 2/TuxOnIce

On this page I provide kernels for Fedora Core with Software Suspend 2 intregrated. All kernels are compiled for i686-UP and Core 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20. There is also a version for Redhat Enterprise Linux 5. Starting with Fedora 9 many kernels are also provided in a PAE version. For newer releases also 64-bit builds are provided.

These kernels include the same features as the distribution kernels and can used directly without losing any functionality. Some kernels may not work but are provided here for testing and debugging purposes. Please see the comments for which kernel to use. Older kernels might be removed in the future to save webspace (a list of them is available on my download archive.

All kernels are standard RPMS from Fedora Core base, updates, testing and development repository and are compiled with the same parameters with some exceptions:

  • the newest software-suspend is integrated and ready to use,
  • bootsplash functionality for the framebuffer is added,
  • in older kernels NTFS read support is enabled as module,
  • some (older) kernels allow to add a custom DSDT to your initrd,
  • (some kernels also include fixes to some drivers and new features useful for notebooks, please see comments for details).

New: it is possible to use yum for installation and updates. However, support for this is still work in progress and not well tested yet. Please see the Yum repository section for further information and drop me a note if you have any suggestions.

Please install the kernels with # rpm -ivh kernel_version.rpm. This will install the kernel without deleting the old one, so you can go back to a working kernel in case of problems. To enable software-suspend you have to change the kernel commandline in your bootloader, so that the swap-partition is found. Further more you have to edit the initrd to activate software-suspend on booting. Please have a look on the Setup page. The recommended kernel for each Fedora Core version is highlighted.

You also need the hibernate-script for suspending. Please fetch this i386 RPM (74789 Bytes) for Fedora Core 3/4 or this noarch RPM (93748 Bytes) for Core 5-20 and RHEL 5. For rebuilding use this Source RPM (103669 Bytes). More recent versions maybe found on the Suspend 2 project page.

To save some handpatching you can optionally (required on Core 4 and newer) install a swsusp2-mkinitrd package which will include a script to build an initrd for software suspend enabled kernels. If this package is installed it will be used whenever you install one of the newer kernels below to create the initrd automatically. The installation of this package will not break any programs of the standard Fedora Core distribution since it installs a seperate version of the mkinitrd-scripts.
There is one version for Core 3, one version for Core 4, one version for Core 5, one version for Core 6, one version for Fedora 7, one version for Fedora 8, one version for Fedora 9, one version for Fedora 10, one version for Fedora 11, one version for Fedora 12 one version for Fedora 13 one version for Fedora 14 one version for Fedora 15 one version for Fedora 16 one version for Fedora 17 one version for Fedora 18 one version for Fedora 19 one version for Fedora 20 and one version for RHEL 5. If you like to rebuild these packages on your own, you can fetch the appropriate source RPMS for Core 3, Core 4, Core 5, Core 6, Fedora 7, Fedora 8, Fedora 9, Fedora 10, Fedora 11, Fedora 12, Fedora 13, Fedora 14, Fedora 15, Fedora 16, Fedora 17, Fedora 18, Fedora 19, Fedora 20 or RHEL 5. Newer versions, especially for development releases are found in the other downloads area.

If you want to use the framebuffer splash for displaying the suspend/resume progress (or using newer software-suspend versions) you need the tools for displaying the progress information. For the text-ui please fetch the i386 RPM. For the framebuffer splash you also need the fbsplash RPM and a theme like the "Snowboard Tux". To rebuild these packages please fetch the Source RPM.

2014/11/053.16.7-200.fc20F20-Update3.16.73.3F2031501K/9199K/31645K/9223K/33163K/9263K79482KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/09/143.16.2-200.fc20F20-Update3.16.23.3F2031484K/9195K/31632K/9220K/33149K/9260K79223KRebase to 3.17 on Fedora 20.
2014/09/013.15.10-201.fc20F20-Update3.15.103.3F2031125K/9095K/31282K/9116K/32827K/9158K78535KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/07/193.11.10-100.fc18F18-Update3.11.103.3F1827779K/8623K/27925K/8646K/29215K/8675K74020KLast update for Fedora 18.
2014/07/193.14.8-100.fc19F19-Update3.14.83.3F1930572K/8970K/30751K/8994K/32332K/9036K77273KLast update for Fedora 19.
2014/07/013.14.9-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.93.3F2030580K/8987K/30762K/9011K/32343K/9053K77320KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2014/05/023.14.2-200.fc20F20-Update3.14.23.3F2030562K/8981K/30743K/9005K/32324K/9047K77064KRebase to 3.14.
2014/04/203.13.10-200.fc20F20-Update3.13.103.3F2029949K/8831K/30120K/8856K/31670K/8899K76152KRecommended update for Fedora 20.
2013/12/293.12.5-200.fc19F19-Update3.12.53.3F1929550K/8712K/29674K/8732K/31032K/8763K75246KRebase to 3.12
2013/12/123.11.10-200.fc19F19-Update3.11.103.3F1929008K/8620K/29145K/8642K/30501K/8676K74017KRecommended update for Fedora 19
2013/12/043.11.10-300.fc20F20-Beta3.11.103.3F2029031K/8635K/29161K/8655K/30527K/8688K74100KCurrent Fedora 20 Betakernel
2013/09/133.10.11-200.fc19F19-Update3.10.113.3F1928491K/8486K/28629K/8505K/29915K/8537K72142KRecommended update for Fedora 19.
2013/08/123.10.4-100.fc18F18-Update3.10.43.3F1827256K/8483K/27401K/8503K/28628K/8534K72010KRecommended update for Fedora 18.
2013/07/143.9.10-100.fc17F17-Update3.9.103.3F1727002K/8407K/27143K/8428K/28346K/8454K71104KRecommended update for Fedora 17, might be the last update for F17.
2013/07/043.6.11-4.fc16F16-Update3.6.113.3F1626952K/7846K/27085K/7866K/27821K/7878K67724KLast version for Fedora 16, available for 32- and 64-bit.
2013/03/033.8.1-201.fc18F18-Update3.8.13.3F1826234K/8200K/26382K/8220K/27401K/8246K69797KRebase to 3.8, recommended update.
2013/01/073.6.11-1.fc17F17-Update3.6.113.3F1725604K/7849K/25761K/7872K/26630K/7888K67767KRecommended update for F17, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2012/05/ update for F15, PAE builds are available.
2012/02/042.6.18-274.17.1.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users, 64bit builds are also available via yum.
2011/11/083.1.0-7.fc16F16-Base3.13.2F1623404K/7335K/23562K/7363K/24097K/7362K75849KThis is the official Fedora 16 (Verne) kernel with TuxOnIce, PAE and 64-bit builds are available too.
2011/05/ update for F14 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/11/ is the official Fedora 14 (Laughlin) kernel with TuxOnIce, PAE builds are available too.
2010/10/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/10/ update for F12 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/09/ update for F13 users, PAE builds are available.
2010/02/ update for F11 users.
2009/11/ is the official Fedora 12 (Constantine) kernel with TuxOnIce, PAE builds are available too.
2009/08/ update for F10 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2009/06/ is the official Fedora 11 (Leonidas) kernel with TuxOnIce.
2009/04/ update for F9 users.
2008/11/ is the official Fedora 10 (Cambridge) kernel with TuxOnIce (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/11/ update for F9 users (a PAE build is available as well).
2008/10/ update for F8 users.
2008/07/062.6.18-92.1.6.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2008/05/ update for F7 users.
2008/05/112.6.25-14.fc9F9-Base2.6.253.0-rc7F918458K/5534K49173KThis is the official Fedora 9 (Sulphur) kernel with TuxOnIce.
2008/02/042.6.18-53.1.6.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2007/12/ update for FC6 users.
2007/11/ is the official Fedora 8 (Werewolf) kernel with TuxOnIce.
2007/08/112.6.18-8.1.8.el5RHEL5-Update2. update for RHEL5 users.
2007/08/102.6.20-1.2320.fc5FC5-Update2. update for FC5 users.
2007/08/ update for FC6 users. Needs updates of mkinitrd-suspend2, userui-suspend2 and hibernate-suspend2. If you use the "resume2" option in grub, please change it to "resume" (or better remove it completly).
2007/05/312.6.21-1.3194.fc7F7-Base2. is the official Fedora 7 (Moonshine) kernel with Suspend 2.
2007/03/172.6.18-8.1.1.el5RHEL5-Base2. kernel for Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 - Tikanga.
2006/10/202.6.18-1.2798.fc6FC6-Base2. is the offical Fedora Core 6 (Zod) kernel with Suspend 2.
2006/07/182.6.17-1.2142_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4. It is available as SMP build using yum.
2006/07/182.6.17-1.2157_FC5FC5-Update2. update kernel for Core 5 (sorry for the delay).
2006/03/182.6.15-1.2054_FC5FC5-Base2.6.16-rc6-git32.2.1FC513839K/4902K46962KThis is the offical Fedora Core 5 (Bordeaux) kernel with Suspend 2. When upgrading from FC3/4 either use yum or update all needed packages manually.
2006/03/172.6.12-2.3.legacy_FC3FC3-Update2.6.12.6pre2.1.9.9FC318565K37881KLegacy update for Core 3 with important security fixes.
2006/03/032.6.15-1.1833_FC4FC4-Update2. update for Core 4.
2005/06/252.6.11-1.35_FC3FC3-Update2. update kernel for the Core 3 users with a fix for a possible filesystem corruption in software suspend Please update your hibernate RPM.
2005/06/242.6.11-1.1369_FC4FC4-Base2.6.12-rc52.1.9.5FC414598K/4044K42349KUpdated software-suspend to fix possible filesystem corruption. Please update your hibernate RPM.
2005/03/232.6.10-1.770_FC3FC3-Update2.6.10-ac122.1.7FC316873K37179KNewest released FC3 kernel with Suspend 2.1.7. Really stable and reliable. Not a single failure or problem here. Adds a workaround to enable SMBus on Asus M5N notebooks.
2004/12/062.6.9-1.681_FC3FC3-Update2.6.9-ac102.1.5FC316191K37180KWorking with resumefailures from time to time. Includes IPW2200 0.15

If you want to rebuild a kernel for your system please fetch one source RPM and do the following:
# rpm -i kernel_version.src.rpm (Installs the source files)
# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
# vi kernel-version.spec (edit the spec file if you want to add/change some kernel configuration parameters or want to see which build parameters you can use)
# rpmbuild -ba --target=i686 --define 'disttag rhfc5' kernel-version.spec (build for i686, use i586, x86_64 or ppc if needed)

You might want to change the disttag according to your distribution. Furthermore you can add some of the following build parameters (have a look at the spec file which of them are supported):

  • --define '_with_ntfs 1' (include NTFS read support, used for all builds above)
  • --define '_with_8k 1' (to build with 8K stacks, x86 only)
  • --define '_upgrade_ipw 1' (upgrade ipw2100/ipw2200/ieee80211 drivers to recent versions if available)
  • --define '_dsdt_initrd 1' (add support for custom DSDTs in the initrd, enabled by default on FC6)
  • --define '_experimental 1' (sometimes some patches or features are added that are experimental and in testing status. Setting this flag will add all of this stuff. Enabled by default in recent builds)

Since 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5 the buildflags changed. disttag is no longer needed and the experimental stuff is included by default. Use the following flags:

  • --with ntfs (for NTFS read support)
  • --with 8k (for 8K stacks)
  • --with 16k (for 16K stacks)
  • --with dsdt_initrd (for DSDT-support)
  • --without experimental (to remove all experimental patches, which might break the build)
  • --with baseonly (to build only the standard kernel)

Other downloads:

2005/07/14hibernate 1.10FC3/FC472K69KScripts for starting hibernation
2005/10/01hibernate 1.11FC3/FC474K70KScripts for starting hibernation
2005/10/03hibernate 1.12FC3/FC474K70KScripts for starting hibernation
2006/07/24hibernate 1.93FC582K76KScripts for starting hibernation
2007/03/17hibernate 1.94FC5/FC6/RHEL586K83KScripts for starting hibernation
2007/05/31hibernate 1.95FC5/FC6/F7/RHEL588K86KScripts for starting hibernation
2007/08/10hibernate 1.96FC5/FC6/F7/RHEL591K90KScripts for starting hibernation
2007/11/07hibernate 1.97FC5/FC6/F7/F8/RHEL595K90KScripts for starting hibernation
2008/11/23hibernate 1.99FC5/FC6/F7/F8/F9/F10/RHEL594K123KScripts for starting hibernation
2013/12/04hibernate 2.0FC5/FC6/F7/F8/F9/F10/F11/F12/F13/F14/F15/F16/F17/F18/F19/F20/RHEL593K103KScripts for starting hibernation
2006/07/30pm-utils 0.15FC543K206KExtends the Fedora version with Suspend 2 support and allows to hibernate using the Gnome logout dialog
2007/03/17pm-utils 0.19FC6/RHEL547K315KExtends the Fedora version with Suspend 2 support and allows to hibernate using the Gnome logout dialog
2007/09/30pm-utils 0.99.4-3F732K144KExtends the Fedora version with Suspend 2 support and allows to hibernate using the Gnome logout dialog
2007/11/07pm-utils 0.99.4-6F832K146KExtends the Fedora version with Suspend 2 support and allows to hibernate using the Gnome logout dialog
2008/11/23pm-utils-tuxonice 0.1F9/F104K4KPlugin for using hibernates configuration with pm-utils. Allows to hibernate using the Gnome logout dialog
2013/12/04pm-utils-tuxonice 0.3F9/F10/F11/F12/F13/F14/F15/F16/F17/F18/F19/F206K6KPlugin for using hibernates configuration with pm-utils. Allows to hibernate using the Gnome logout dialog
2005/07/10swsusp2-mkinitrd 4.1.18FC312K67KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2006/01/24swsusp2-mkinitrd 4.2.15FC413K73KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2006/03/20compat-swsusp2-mkinitrd 0.1FC54K4KOnly needed if you use an older FC3/4 kernel with FC5
2006/07/24mkinitrd-suspend2 5.0.32FC520K106KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2007/08/10mkinitrd-suspend2 for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2007/03/17mkinitrd-suspend2 for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2007/07/07mkinitrd-suspend2 6.0.9F726K157KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2007/11/07mkinitrd-tuxonice 6.0.19F828K168KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2008/05/14mkinitrd-tuxonice 6.0.52F931K162KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2008/11/23mkinitrd-tuxonice 6.0.71F1030K165KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2009/09/30mkinitrd-tuxonice 6.0.87F1130K172KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2012/02/16dracut-tuxonice 002-14F12/F13/F14/F15/F165K5KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2012/10/20dracut-tuxonice 002-17F176K6KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2013/12/04dracut-tuxonice 024-1F18/F19/F206K7KTools for creating initrd, will be used by the kernels above
2005/05/07swsusp2-userui 0.3.1FC3/FC4221K/506K/2845K2921KUI for displaying progress with software suspend <=
2005/07/16swsusp2-userui 0.5.1FC3222K/606K/2845K2927KUI for displaying progress with software suspend
2005/07/05swsusp2-userui 0.5.1FC4238K/648K/2851K2932KUI for displaying progress with software suspend
2005/07/27swsusp2-userui 0.5.3FC3223K/606K/2845K2927KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= and <=2.2-rc2
2005/07/27swsusp2-userui 0.5.3FC4238K/650K/2851K2932KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= and <=2.2-rc2
2005/08/29swsusp2-userui 0.6.1FC3224K/607K/2845K2929KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2005/08/29swsusp2-userui 0.6.1FC4239K/651K/2850K2934KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2006/03/07swsusp2-userui 0.6.3FC4241K/654K/2852K/2676K/640K6254KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2006/03/20userui-suspend2 0.6.3FC5242K/764K71KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2007/02/19userui-suspend2 0.6.4FC5241K/774K109KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2007/01/19userui-suspend2 0.6.4FC6251K/807K111KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2007/03/17userui-suspend2 0.6.4RHEL5251K/810K112KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2-rc3
2007/03/18userui-suspend2 0.7.0FC5242K/775K111KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >=
2007/03/15userui-suspend2 0.7.0FC6252K/809K111KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >=
2007/08/10userui-suspend2 0.7.1FC6262K/813K83KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2.10
2007/05/31userui-suspend2 0.7.1F7262K/812K82KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2.10
2007/11/07userui-tuxonice 0.7.2F8263K/807K82KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2.10
2008/05/11userui-tuxonice 0.7.2F9274K/833K83KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2.10
2008/11/23userui-tuxonice 0.7.2F10286K/848K85KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 2.2.10
2009/06/08userui-tuxonice 1.0F11303K/867K90KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2010/02/18userui-tuxonice 1.0F12265K/780K93KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2010/05/24userui-tuxonice 1.0F13274K/792K93KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2010/11/04userui-tuxonice 1.0F14282K/807K93KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2011/05/23userui-tuxonice 1.0F15282K/824K94KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2011/11/08userui-tuxonice 1.0F16292K/838K94KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2012/04/26userui-tuxonice 1.1F17970K85KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2012/12/31userui-tuxonice 1.1F18891K85KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2013/05/29userui-tuxonice 1.1F191008K85KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2013/12/04userui-tuxonice 1.1F20938K/1104K85KUI for displaying progress with software suspend >= 3.0
2013/12/04userui fbsplash themesFC/RHEL>=52828K/2574K/852K/566K/1675K/2128K/1923K/3211K/841K/4703K/10134K/3999K/6481K/6736K/1908K/5480K/5667K/7746K/7837K/6171K83200Kvarious themes for the fbsplash-mode of UserUI$1.505  [86977] © Matthias Hensler 2002-12, All Rights Reserved