Software Suspend 2/Tux On Ice Repositories

Installing and updating Tux On Ice (formwely Software Suspend 2) kernels on Fedora/RHEL using yum

Since many people requested an own repository for Tux On Ice, I provide some informations on this page. Starting with Fedora Core 5 this should be the default way to install all necessary packages. Please inform me in case of any problems. I hope that the packages and dependencies will be well maintained, so that yum can do its job without interaction, however I cannot promise this, since the development is going on, and there might be the need to rename packages or change some options.

hibernate and JPackage

There is a conflict between the hibernate package from this package and the JPackage repository. The current package that includes the scripts for hibernation is maintained by Bernhard Blackham and is only provided here for your convience. To resolve this problem the package was renamed starting with Fedora Core 5.

If you run into this conflict with Fedora Core 3 or 4 I offer the following solution for the moment: fetch this hibernate package and install it manually (it is not available with yum and has to be updated manually). It will provide all necessary support for the current kernels. Since it conflictes with the other hibernate package, remove that one first (use --nodeps if in doubt). After you have done that you should be able to install the JPackage hibernate package.

Suspend 2/Tux On Ice support from ATrpms

Thanks to Axel Thimm and his ATrpms repository there are prebuilt kernels for all supported architectures. Currently you can download i586, i686, i686-smp, x86_64 and x86_64-smp versions from there, as well as 8K stack builds. Furthermore that repository provides prebuilt kernel modules for the Suspend 2 enabled kernels.

ATrpms supports Tux On Ice/Software Suspend 2 for Fedora Core 16 and 17, as well as RHEL 5, at the moment. Please see the Homepage for more information in how to use and setup ATrpms.

my yum repository

Due to popular demand you can also use my own yum repository I provide here. Please do not hesitate to inform me in case of problems and feature requests.

The repository is available at this location: Currently there is a stable repository for Core 3 (/fc3/), Core 4 (/fc4/), Core 5 (/fc5/), Core 6 (/fc6/), Fedora 7 (/fc7/), Fedora 8 (/fc8/), Fedora 9 (/fc9/), Fedora 10 (/fc10/), Fedora 11 (/fc11/), Fedora 12 (/fc12/), Fedora 13 (/fc13/), Fedora 14 (/fc14/), Fedora 15 (/fc15/), Fedora 16 (/fc16/), Fedora 17 (/fc17/), Fedora 18 (/fc18/), Fedora 19 (/fc19/), Fedora 20 (/fc19/), and RHEL 5 (/el5/).
To use the stable repository create a file suspend2.repo in your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory with following content (or add it to your yum or yumex configuration):

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Software Suspend 2 kernels and utilities
#baseurl= # for RHEL5

You can also download the repo-file.

Use yum or yumex like you always do. For Fedora Core 4 you can use this command to install the a kernel and all necessary tools:
# yum install kernel-2.6.15-1.1833_1.rhfc4.cubbi_swsusp2

Since Core 5 the setup is slightly easier as my kernel packages have a unique name now, just do the following steps (as root):
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wget
If you want the graphical splash make sure that you activate your framebuffer (eg. add vga=0x... to your bootloader) and do:
# yum install userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoraheisenbug (Fedora 20)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoraschroedingercat (Fedora 19)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-theme-fedorasphericalcow (Fedora 18)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-theme-fedorabeefymiracle (Fedora 17)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoraverne (Fedora 16)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoralovelock (Fedora 15)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoralaughlin (Fedora 14)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoragoddard (Fedora 13)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoraconstatine (Fedora 12)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedoraleonidas (Fedora 11)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedorasolar (Fedora 10)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedorawaves (Fedora 9)
# yum install userui-tuxonice-fbsplash userui-tuxonice-theme-fedorainfinity (Fedora 8)
# yum install userui-suspend2-fbsplash userui-suspend2-theme-fedoraflyinghigh (Fedora 7)
# yum install userui-suspend2-fbsplash userui-suspend2-theme-fedoradna (Core 6)
# yum install userui-suspend2-fbsplash userui-suspend2-theme-fedorabubbles (Core 5)
# yum install userui-suspend2-fbsplash userui-suspend2-theme-rhel-tikanga (RHEL 5)
The last thing is to install the kernel and the needed utilities:
# yum install kernel-tuxonice (Fedora >=7)
# yum install kernel-suspend2 (Core 5+6, RHEL 5)

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